Bold decisions – Courageous or blind faith?

This is me, on this day last year. I was exhausted and alone in the office at night, packing up my things, ready to start a new contract assignment. I had built up some security and routine with this organisation while delivering major projects, but the very next day everything would be changing to an emergency working from home arrangement. You know the drill – we all went through this strange time. But my decision to change jobs on that exact day was either very dumb, or very courageous. Maybe a bit of both really!

Now, with the benefit of hindsight, it turned out to be a good decision and I don’t regret it for a second. Building a new high performing team around me, working within an organisation with a noble mission, and being able to help local businesses to recover during trying times has all been extremely rewarding.

For all the bold decisions I’ve made in my life, I haven’t regretted any of them. Granted, there have been times I’ve fallen flat on my face as a result of a ‘bold decision’, but I wouldn’t change a thing. I’ve leapt into various start-up companies blindly, invested badly and lost a lot of money at times. But I have learned so much and make wiser decisions today. Perhaps you’ve had similar experiences.

Do you feel like you’ve embraced your big decisions? Think back to those pivotal decisions you have made and how did they work out. Perhaps you look back on some decisions fondly and with pride. Perhaps, like me, some have left scars to show. Either way, they’ve made you into the person you are today and hopefully you’ve learned to embrace the failures as well as the successes.

Maybe you are taking your bold and courageous decision right now? Or maybe you are looking for your next one to take? Keep in touch here or via LinkedIn, as I love hearing about the big decisions we face and tracing these decisions through to completion.

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